Grow Your Facebook Page Fans
Using Facebook Ads to Grow Your Facebook Page
Fans.Top Secret Tips to Help You Run a Successful Fan Page..The Key to Building a Fan Base on Facebook Pages That’s Engaged .Techniques to Increase Your Facebook Likes...
post every month. So if you only post 7 times over the weekend and then not again until the
next weekend your fans are going to lose interest and new potential fans aren’t going to be too
excited about liking your page. It is very important that you post regularly to generate interest.
next weekend your fans are going to lose interest and new potential fans aren’t going to be too
excited about liking your page. It is very important that you post regularly to generate interest.
Top Secret Tips to Help You Run a Successful Fan Page
There are Facebook pages and there are “Facebook Pages.” Some pages are just there. They
exist, they are boring and they do nothing to draw in their audience. Other pages have the ‘wow’
factor. They are attractive, they offer great value and the audience is drawn in. Which type of
Facebook Page do you have? Here are some top-secret tips to help you run a successful fan
page that not only brings people to your page, but helps you grow your fans and likes
.Start With an Incredible Cover Photo
The image at the top of your page can draw you in. It can capture your imagination and take you
to some place beautiful. Make sure that you understand the importance of your cover photo and
that you choose one that will work for you. There are tons of online resources to help you with
Create a Profile Image That’s Unique
When it comes to profile pictures, we tend to stick a picture of ourselves up there and that’s that.
But there is so much value in using a unique profile image that your audience will remember or
associate with. Start with defining what your business about. Then try to create an image that is
memorable and creates strong branding. Hire a visual artist if you need to. It’s worth it!
Make Use of the Facebook Page Apps
Facebook offers you some great apps, so make sure to explore them and make use of it. Add
any that are appropriate. Don’t be afraid to make use of several. It will help to increase your
viewers along with your likes.
Post Regular and Engaging Posts
Creating a post now and then isn’t good enough. You need to have regular posts every day so
that you show up in the news feeds and so that your fans look forward to your posts and are
ready to read and share those posts. In addition, you need to make sure you have engaging
posts so that they encourage your fans to comment and participate in a discussion. This will
help to increase your reach.
Strong Call to Action
It is very important that your Facebook page has a strong call to action, because without it your
visitors won’t know what they are supposed to do. Ask friends to click the ‘LIKE’ button in a clear
and concise way that leaves no room for mistake
The Key to Building a Fan Base on Facebook Pages That’s Engaged
Growing your fan base is an important part of your Facebook Page but what’s just as important
is having fans that will engage on your page. This means that you will have fans that will like
your page, comment on posts and share posts because they want to, not because they are
being enticed to via a prize such as a free giveaway or coupon. It call comes back to providing
good content.
What is Good Content?
Good content will play on life, living situations and interests of your target market. It can be
related to day-to-day life and should provoke a personal response immediately. It relates to all
kinds of content, asks for the opinion of users, and tells interesting stories. What it does is
create a town square attitude where users gather to socialize and find something interesting to
engage with like minded people.
If you are still unsure of how to create strong content, then have a look at some of the Facebook
pages created and managed by large companies such as Proctor & Gamble
You can create this kind of content by defining your target market and then determining what
relevant topics are for that market. Then create themed content that you can schedule so that
you have constant posts going out to your users. You can use some of Facebook’s options,
such as Facebook ads to target your audience and expand your reach through your posts
To make sure you are on target and getting the ‘reach’ you are after, you should use Facebook
Page Analytics to analyze your posts. This can provide you with sound information that will
allow you to be able to make good decisions related to your posts and future posts that you
might make.
There are many ways you can build your fan base that won’t actually help your business
prosper, so keep this in mind. However, by taking the time to bring targeted traffic to your
Facebook Page and growing a relevant fan base you can enjoy the full benefits of the work you
put into this.
Long term your goal is to continue to grow your fans through ‘Likes’ and for them to love what
you offer so much that they tell their friends who in turn tell their friends and that reach can
continue to expand and grow, offering you a very powerful marketing opportunity.
Fans and Likes
Growing your Facebook fans and likes can be a challenge. In fact, it might seem like a bit of a
daunting task for some. Good news it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Let’s look at two of the
best ways to grow your fans and lik.
Method #1 Grow Your Facebook Fans and Likes With Contests
This is one of the easiest methods to excite people about your page and to draw new fans to
your page. The lure of winning the big prize means your target market is going to show up, ‘click
Like,’ and become a fan on your page.
How to Get People Who Want to Enter Your Contest to Like Your Page and Become a Fan
There are a number of 3rd party contest apps that you can choose from, such as Wishpond
have a very useful feature, which is called Like Gate, designed to hide the contest entry page
until after Liking the Facebook Pag.
Like Gate is an image that has text that tells the visitor that they have to Like the page before
they can access the amazing contest. Once they Like it the app automatically loads the default
entry for the contest or the voting page where the user enters your contest.
Method #2 Grow Your Facebook Fans and Likes With Like Gated Coupons
Coupons are an excellent promotion that’s well received. Even a coupon for as little as 10
percent off gives visitors incentive to purchase your product while you get to keep your margins
fairly unscathed. The best way to use coupons is for you to have them carry out some action so
that they can access the coupon but it shouldn’t be difficult or consumin.
There are a number of Coupon Apps that make it easy to create a Facebook Like Gate coupon,
with the coupon codes built in. A decent Coupon App makes it easier for you to design your
own coupons right on Facebook. When the coupon is right on, Facebook it is also easier to
share it
Don’t forget to include your call to action with all of your Facebook Page marketing to ensure
you grow your fans and likes the way you want to. It’s the most common mistake that Page
owners make and what then happens is you do all the hard work and don’t get the results you
4 Techniques to Increase Your Facebook Likes.
When it comes to implementing social media strategies, Facebook is a great place to start as it
is the network that has the most users. However, if you thought that posting to Facebook now
and then is enough, you’d be wrong. Using that strategy is going to have you flat lining rather
than growing. Let’s look at 4 techniques to Increase your Facebook Likes and grow your fans.
This technique is so easy to use that you’ll wonder why you didn’t use it sooner. From now on
every single photo that you put up on your Facebook Page make sure that you tag yourself in
every single photo. This is smart because if your content is good and its shareable then it will
appear on the news feeds of others. When one of your fan’s shares it, then it’s going to be
linked in the ‘shared section’ in addition to the image your fan shared.
#2 Create Content That’s Shareable
Good content is great, but great content is greater. It is very important to have content that is
shareable. This means your content is so good that your audience doesn’t just want to like it,
they want to share it with their own friends. The content that your fans share is really part of
their online identity. It tells others what they like and who they are. In this case it also shows
support for you. When content is shareable, it increases your like because it exposes your name
to more people, putting your brand out there in front of those that are not currently your fans.
#3 Remember to Remain Consistent
You do not want to develop want to become boring. You don’t want to have one week with a big
peak and then your page gets hum-drum boring until the next big peak. This type of
inconsistency will have people leaving your page. Instead consistently engage your audience so
they can depend on you.
4 Watch Your Timing
If you want the most people to see your posts, then you need to post when most people are on
Facebook. Generally mornings and afternoons are best, but of course you will need to
determine what’s best for your audience. Maybe you cater to an international market so you’ll
need to figure out the best time to post locally to reach that market. Don’t be afraid to
experiment to see find the best time for your posts.
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