Tips to Create Facebook Posts That Are Engaging.......
We will know in this article how to earn money from Facebook ads.
Know how to increase your Facebook traffic through Facebook Ads. Value your time by investing your time to learn how to make money through this great article "Facebook Fan Page TipsUsing Facebook Ads to Grow Your Facebook Page Fans
One of the easiest ways to increase your Facebook likes is through the use of Facebook Ads,which allow you to target specific demographics, which means it will allow you to bring the traffic
you desire to your page.
Do not confuse Facebook Ads with Google Ads, because they are not the same. Google Ads
will show up when a person actively searches your keyword(s). They will usually want to know
what you are offering at that time, which elicits a click that is relevant to their search.
Facebook Ads don’t work that way. A Facebook Ad shows up when a person is browsing their
News Feed so they likely don’t have any intent to purchase from you at that time. That means
you must offer incentives to drive clicks on the Facebook Ad using one of the three methods –
coupons, contests, or article
These Facebooks ads let you target those who haven’t already likes your page. You can even
include a like button right on your ad. You can use the basic format ‘“Like” us to (insert what
they’ll receive)’. You can drive Likes based on the incentive. Here are a few you can use
* Like us and get your Free Guide to Growing Your Facebook Business
* Like us to get an Exclusive 20% Off coupon
* Like us to win a $200 Marketing Consultation
* Like us and enter to win a trip to Vegas – draw every 3 months
Facebook Ads are also much more affordable than Google Ads. That means even if you have a
very low budget you can take advantage of Facebook Ads. If you want to know more about
using Facebook Ads and how to setup your Facebook Ad campaign, Facebook has an in-depth
section on how to set up your campaign, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble.
Your goal with your Facebook Page is to grow your Likes and your fan base. To do that you
need to take advantage of the many tools that can help you to create a powerful Facebook Ad.
Facebook ads are still one of the most misunderstood opportunities to grow your Facebook
Page and increase your targeted traffic and your likes. The rest is up to you. With the use of
strong posts that engaging your followers you can increase your reach further and continue to
grow your Page.
Tips to Create Facebook Posts That Are Engaging
If you want to grow your fan base and increase your likes, you are going to need to have posts
to your page that are interesting and keep your visitors wanting to return. Here are 5 tips to
create Facebook posts that are engaging.
#1 Use Copy, Images and Videos That Are Engaging
* Photos and videos that are media rich will get attention and they will help your message be
more noticeable on a News feed.
* Lifestyle and inspirational images are always engaging. Smart Page owners are quick to take
advantage of these images, because they understand they do not have to be relevant to the
product/service you offer to be relevant to your fans. These fans will then share these posts with
their friends and that provides you with more reach and another opportunity to grow your ‘Likes.’
* Share images/photos of your products with your customers enjoying them.
* The best posts are between 100 and 250 characters – short and to the point gets the most
#2 Share and Promote Discounts and Promotions That are Exclusive
* Offer your visitors a really good perk or deal to keep them interested. You can increase your
sales and increase your followers with this technique.
* Buy 1 get 1 free seems to be a very popular promotion and so is when you are giving things
away for free.
* To increase your visitors’ engagement, make sure that you have a clear call to action.
#3 Suitability and Timeliness
* When your posts are related to what they are thinking about at the time, such as holidays or a
current sporting event, your audience is much more likely to engage
* Timeliness in replying to any posts that have a comment on them is also important. The faster
you are to replying to your fans the more likely that they will continue to engage you.
#4 Drive Traffic to Your Website With Links
Link posts have an area that’s larger now and it helps people to find your website, thereby
increasing your traffic.
Use link posts to drive people to your website
Link posts now have a larger, clickable area that helps drive people to your website. Take the
title, image and description, which comes from the URL, and customize it.
Put these 4 tips into play and watch your
fans grow.
Grow Your Facebook Page Fans
Your fans are the core to your Facebook Page being successful. But building those fans and
‘Likes’ can be quite a challenge. Let’s look at
5 tricks to grow your Facebook Page Fans.
Trick #1 Use Social Media
The use of social media channels like LinkedIn, Google+ or Twitter are a great way to
encourage people to visit your Facebook page. These are free marketing tools that you should
take advantage of. In addition to direct posts, make sure that you occasionally cross post from
one to the other. Twitter only allows 140 characters so make good use of them.
Trick #2 Take Advantage of Public Events
Often overlooked, yet a powerful tool that can be a great way to spread the word. If you are
doing public speaking be sure you include your Facebook Page URL on the slide show as it
makes it easy for people to connect. If you attend network meetings this is a great time to
encourage members to ‘Like’ your Facebook Page and become fans.
Trick #3 Fan Page Fridays
On Facebook, there are Pages that host Fan Page Friday events. If you are participating, you
will be encouraged to stop by the page on a specific date to introduce your business to
everyone that’s participating and then tag their page in the post. The idea is that you
will work
through all the comments and ‘Like’ each of the participating pages who will in turn ‘Like’ your
page. A word of caution. Only participate in local events, because if you land up with tons of
international fans, it could actually lower your EdgeRank score. In addition, if others hide your
news feed posts because they only wanted the ‘Like’ from you and aren’t interested in your
business, could hurt you.
Trick #4 Encourage Check Ins on Your Facebook Page
For anyone who has a brick and mortar business, you should enable check ins on your
Facebook page, and then remind customers to check in when they are in your premises. You
can even include an incentive like offering a discount.
Trick #5 Make Use of Signage
When customers visit your brick and mortar business, you can create signage for in your store
that allows customers to ‘Like” your page using a text message. Your signage would look
something like this. “Text Like (insert Facebook Page name) to 34587. Test this on your cell
phone first before you commit your budget to this. You can also develop signage that includes
your social media icons.
These 5 tricks work great to grow your
Facebook Page fans.
Grow Your Facebook Likes With These 5 Tips
Facebook is a place where conversations take place. On your Facebook Page do you chat with
your fans or do you talk at them? The number of fans you have is a pretty good reference to
how you deal with your fans. The more you chat with your fans the higher your number of fans
will be. Make the most of your social space by understanding it and you will see your Facebook
Page ‘Likes’ continue to grow. Here are 5 tips to help you grow your Facebook Likes.
1. Talk Back to Your Fans – You post a comment, then a fan comments on the post, and you
need to reply to that comment. Ideally, what you want to achieve is conversation that goes back
and forth between you and your fan(s). The more fans that participate the better. By allowing
your fans to feel a conversation is taking place they are more likely to participate. If you post
and a fan comments and you don’t reply the conversation dies off and the reach dies with it.
2. Make Sure There are plenty of Photos and Videos Posted – People prefer photos over texts.
Make your Facebook Page visually appealing using graphics, photos and videos. This will draw
the interest of your fans and they are much more likely to share photos, graphics and videos
than text, which in turn extends your reach.
3. Choose the Best Timeline Photo – The latest Facebook format – the Timeline page is either
hated or loved. It requires that you post a prominent horizontal image along with a smaller
detailed shot that is inset. This is a good place for your logo. Make sure your photos are friendly
and cheerful. It’s great if they interact or connect with your fans.
4. Take Advantage of the Social Tabs – It’s a good idea to cross promote any other social
media pages you have. You can add tabs for Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
5. Post Regularly – Your Facebook posts are time and date stamped. Your posts are grouped
monthly so your fans can easily scroll down your page and they can also see how often you
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